Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Social Media Campaign

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Social media is one of the best platforms available for word-of-mouth marketing. YouTube has over 4 billion views per day with 6 billion hours of videos watched. Over 2 billion tweets go out each week on Twitter and over 1.49 billion people use Facebook with the average user having 130 friends and connecting to 80 events, groups and pages. Therefore, there is huge potential in promoting your brand and generating sales via social media, especially if your create campaigns and content. Are you planning to create a campaign too? If so, make sure to avoid these common social media campaign mistakes.

Lack of Images, Sounds, and Videos

Social media users love pictures, music, and videos. They are on a constant lookout for rich media content that is interesting, interactive, appealing, engaging and funny. Therefore, not adding enough media in your social media campaign is akin to ensuring you will fail. To prevent this, include plenty of videos, sounds, and images in your social media campaign.

Wordiness or Poor Grammar

Regardless of how much social media users shorten their words and sentences, it is important to remember YOU are a professional business. Therefore, people expect you to own a dictionary. Learn to keep things humoristic, but never engage in creating campaigns with bad wordiness and grammar. Use spell check for all your posts and remember to keep them short and to the point, so the readers remain hooked.

Random Use of Hashtags

Of course, hashtags prove incredibly useful in spreading the word about your social media campaign. But hashtags without a purpose will confuse your followers, making it obvious you don’t know what you are doing. Therefore, to avoid this, only use hashtags for relevant promotions and not just for the purpose of using hashtags.

Giving Up Too Soon

Where some businesses gain plenty of likeability regarding their campaigns within a few days, others tend to suffer. But this doesn’t mean you give up! Social media works differently for everyone. Therefore, you need to be as unique as possible to get good results. So, when creating a campaign, offer something different that no other business is offering at the moment so you can stand out in the crowd.

Not Communicating With Customers

The main purpose of using social media is communicating and interacting with other people. If you avoid interacting with customers regarding your campaign, chances are you will not be able to generate good results. Subsequently, interact with customers, ask questions and comment on their posts.

Not Considering Other Options

There isn’t only one social media outlet available for creating campaigns and spreading the word about your brand. Therefore, when creating a social media campaign, use a range of platforms, including LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook to increase your chances of success. However, put a little more effort into the sites your audience is most active on.

So, now that you are familiar with the abovementioned mistakes and how to avoid them, creating a successful social media campaign won’t be a problem.

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