Creating a Responsive Mobile Website – A Beginners Guide

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In recent times, the popularity of smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices has increased significantly. Almost everyone relies on these devices for performing vital daily tasks and 35% of all conversions are generated from mobile websites. As a result, mobile web traffic is slowly increasing all over the world, leaving desktop traffic far behind. So, if your SEO marketing strategies are currently ONLY geared for desktop or laptop users, your business is certainly missing out on great opportunities for growth. To beat the competition and promote your brand, here are a few tips on creating a responsive mobile website to expand your reach:

Display Relevant Content

The main purpose of creating a responsive mobile website is to display information that is relevant to the mobile users. Therefore, users only look for the information they need and are interested in the product info only. So, don’t go around positing useless information and focus on displaying relevant content which matches your users’ needs. This way, you can reduce your click back rates, save users time, and enable them to find information quickly, hence increasing the likeability of your website.

Address SEO Issues in Your Websites

There is a reason Google openly provides descriptions for its latest algorithms, i.e. to tailor your site according to them. Therefore, focus on reading about all Google’s updates carefully and address the small SEO problems with your mobile website. Keep in mind, SEO plays an important role in website development and the more you adhere to the latest requirements, the better chances you get placed on the top of Google’s search engine result pages. So, log in to your webmaster tools and regularly check for SEO issues like faulty URLs, bad redirects, slow page load speeds and other errors.

Make Your Loading Time Fast

Speed is without a doubt the key to creating a responsive mobile website. Therefore, when creating your mobile webpage, be sure to test the loading speed. To make the website load faster, use resized content and images and remove unnecessary classes and code. Remember, mobile devices have a limited processing power, and when it comes to heavy media, the loading time increased considerably.

Make Simple Forms

Most people use their mobiles for shopping online. Therefore, to stand out and increase chances of people buying from your website, it is imperative you keep the payment forms simple. Keep in mind complicated user registration, shopping, and booking forms only lead to high click back rates. As form submission is also the main area where conversions take place, mobile users don’t enjoy writing all the required data on a small screen. When creating a responsive mobile website, remove unnecessary entries and make the conversion easier for the user.

Last, but not the least, once you have created a responsive mobile website, test it numerous times to look for areas to improve. Test it out on different Windows, Android, and iPhones, from every aspect, every page and check user buttons and actions to ensure everything runs smoothly. So, now that you are familiar with the tips mentioned above, creating a responsive mobile website won’t be a problem.

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