Pricing that bends to your needs.

Flexible pricing.
No lock-in contracts.

Our Flexible plans offer the freedom to tailor your options to what you need, saving you money and ensuring you only pay for what you use.


IT Support On Demand
$ 65 Monthly / PC
  • On-demand IT support - pay only for the help you need.
  • Systems are monitored for software updates, including the operating system and third-party applications
  • Guarding your computer against malicious cyber threats
  • Email filtering for spam / Malicious email filtering
  • Ensuring business continuity for Microsoft365 with automated backups
  • Server/PC Security Updates
  • Minimum of 5 devices

Cyber Security

Essential Cyber Security Add-ons
$ From $5 Monthly / PC / User
Application Control

Application Control also sometimes referred to as application whitelisting. In essence, it flips the traditional antivirus approach on its head. With allowlisting, by default, no applications are allowed to run except for those that are explicitly permitted on a whitelist. This means that malware, ransomware, and any other unauthorised programs are blocked from ever even starting up.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), is a cybersecurity service that acts like a guard dog for each device on your network. It continuously monitors computers, laptops, and tablets for suspicious activity that might signal a cyberattack, and if something fishy is found, it can take action to stop the attack and keep your data safe.

Managed detection and response (MDR) s a cybersecurity solution that specifically safeguards your Microsoft 365 environment, like email and cloud storage. It goes beyond basic antivirus by using advanced techniques to detect sneaky attacks like phishing attempts or unauthorized access to your data. Essentially, it acts like a vigilant security guard for your M365 applications, keeping your company information safe.

DNS filtering is the process of using the Domain Name System to block malicious websites and filter out harmful or inappropriate content. This ensures that company data remains secure and allows companies to have control over what their employees can access on company-managed networks

Business password managers securely store and manage complex passwords for all your employees, eliminating the risk of weak passwords and data breaches. These tools also offer features like automated password filling, secure sharing, and administrator controls to enforce password policies and track team activity, streamlining logins and boosting overall cybersecurity for your business.


Unlimited Remote Support
$ 170 Monthly / PC
  • Never worry about IT problems again with unlimited remote support
  • Systems are monitored for software updates, including the operating system and third-party applications
  • Guarding your computer against malicious cyber threats
  • Email filtering for spam / Malicious email filtering
  • Ensuring business continuity for Microsoft365 with automated backups
  • Server/PC Security Updates
  • Minimum of 10 devices
  • Excludes Adds/Moves/Changes*
  • Onsite Visits Charged Extra

Think of your IT support plan like a regular maintenance contract for your office. It covers the routine upkeep that keeps everything running smoothly, like updating software (changing the oil), monitoring systems (checking belts), and fixing minor glitches (troubleshooting).

But if you want to upgrade your office by adding a new printer (like installing a fancy sound system in your car), moving your desk (relocating equipment), or making other changes, those are considered Adds/Moves/Changes (AMC) and typically billed separately.

Once the new equipment is set up and working, it becomes part of your regular office and falls back under IT support for ongoing maintenance.

So, IT support keeps your existing equipment running well, while AMC handles one-time modifications to your office setup.


Managed services are basically outsourcing the responsibility of maintaining and keeping your IT infrastructure running smoothly to a qualified service provider. Imagine it like this: instead of having your own dedicated IT staff on hand, you hire a team of experts to handle these tasks for you.

Here’s a breakdown of what managed services typically cover:

  • Proactive maintenance: This includes regularly monitoring your systems for issues, applying security patches, and performing updates to keep everything functioning optimally.
  • Help desk support: Managed service providers offer a central point of contact for your employees to get assistance with any technical problems they encounter.
  • Security management: They can help safeguard your systems from cyber threats by monitoring for suspicious activity, managing firewalls and antivirus software, and implementing security best practices.
  • Incident response: If a problem arises, the managed service provider will help you respond to and resolve the issue as quickly as possible to minimise downtime and disruption.

By using managed services, you can benefit from:

  • Reduced costs: It can be more cost-effective to outsource IT management than hiring and maintaining your own IT staff.
  • Improved efficiency: Managed service providers have the expertise and resources to handle a wide range of IT tasks efficiently.
  • Enhanced security: They can help you keep your systems secure and protected from cyberattacks.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that your IT infrastructure is in good hands allows you to focus on running your core business.

There are several key benefits to using managed services for your business IT needs:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Managed services can be a more budget-friendly option compared to hiring and maintaining a full-time IT staff. You pay a predictable monthly or annual fee for a set of services, eliminating the need for salaries, benefits, and training costs associated with in-house IT personnel.

  • Improved Efficiency: Managed service providers (MSPs) have a team of experienced IT professionals with expertise in various areas. They can handle a wide range of tasks efficiently, freeing up your internal staff to focus on core business activities.

  • Enhanced Security: MSPs stay up-to-date on the latest cyber threats and have the tools and resources to implement robust security measures. They can proactively monitor your systems for vulnerabilities, manage firewalls and antivirus software, and help you develop a comprehensive security strategy.

  • Peace of Mind: By outsourcing your IT management to a reliable service provider, you gain peace of mind knowing your systems are in good hands. This allows you to focus on running your business without the constant worry of IT issues disrupting your operations.

  • Scalability: Managed services plans can be easily scaled up or down as your business needs evolve. This allows you to access the level of IT support you need without having to invest in additional hardware or software upfront.

  • Access to Expertise: Many businesses might not have the resources to hire IT professionals with specialised skills in areas like network security, cloud computing, or disaster recovery. Managed service providers offer access to a team of experts with a broad range of knowledge, ensuring your IT infrastructure is well-maintained and secure.

  • Proactive Maintenance: MSPs focus on preventative measures, not just reacting to problems. They will regularly monitor your systems, identify potential issues before they escalate, and apply updates and security patches to keep everything running smoothly.

Overall, managed services offer a comprehensive and cost-effective way to manage your IT infrastructure, improve security, and free up your internal resources to focus on growing your business.

Here’s a breakdown of how your three managed services plans differ from each other:

Good: Basic IT Support

  • This plan is ideal for small businesses with relatively simple IT needs.
  • Focus: Provides a foundation for ongoing IT health with essential features like:
    • Help Desk Support: A central point of contact for users to report technical difficulties and receive assistance.
    • IT Monitoring: Proactive monitoring of your systems for basic issues like server uptime and disk space usage.
    • Basic Security Package: A baseline level of protection with essential security features like:
      • Antivirus software to safeguard against malware threats.
      • Spam filtering to keep your inbox free from unwanted emails.
      • Microsoft 365 Cloud Backup: Protects your critical data stored in Microsoft 365 applications in case of accidental deletion or system failures.

Better: Unlimited Remote Support

  • This plan builds upon the features of Basic IT Support and offers a more comprehensive solution for businesses with greater IT demands.
  • Key Additions:
    • Unlimited Remote Support: Your employees can receive unlimited technical assistance from IT professionals remotely, resolving issues without needing an onsite visit.
    • This broader support encompasses the same security features as the Good plan.

Best: Unlimited Remote and Onsite Support

  • This plan is the most premium option, ideal for businesses that require the most responsive and comprehensive IT care.
  • Includes all features from the previous plans:
    • Help Desk Support
    • IT Monitoring
    • Basic Security Package (Antivirus, Spam Filtering, Microsoft 365 Cloud Backup)
    • Unlimited Remote Support
  • Additional Benefit:
    • Unlimited Onsite Support: In addition to remote assistance, you have access to on-site visits from IT technicians for situations requiring physical presence, like hardware repairs or complex network troubleshooting.

In summary:

  • “Good” offers basic features for essential IT health.
  • “Better” expands on this with unlimited remote support for ongoing assistance.
  • “Best” provides the most extensive coverage with both unlimited remote and onsite support for maximum responsiveness.

The best plan for you depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider the complexity of your IT infrastructure, the number of users you have, and how critical it is to have immediate on-site support when making your decision.

The onboarding process for managed services typically involves several key steps to ensure a smooth transition and establish a strong foundation for your IT support. Here’s a general outline of what you can expect:

1. Initial Meeting and Needs Assessment:

  • This initial meeting allows the managed service provider (MSP) to understand your business, its IT infrastructure, and your specific needs and goals.
  • You’ll discuss your current IT environment, any pain points you’re experiencing, and your desired outcomes from the managed services plan.

2. Network and System Assessment:

  • The MSP will conduct a thorough assessment of your network and IT systems. This might involve tasks like:
    • Identifying hardware and software configurations.
    • Reviewing security protocols and vulnerabilities.
    • Analyzing system performance and potential bottlenecks.

3. Documentation and Baseline Setting:

  • The MSP will document your current IT environment to create a detailed inventory of your hardware, software, configurations, and security settings.
  • This baseline serves as a reference point for monitoring and measuring future performance improvements.

4. Service Level Agreement (SLA):

  • A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a formal document outlining the specific services provided by the MSP, the expected response times for support requests, and performance metrics used to measure success.
  • Reviewing and finalizing the SLA ensures both parties are on the same page regarding expectations and service delivery.

5. Security Implementation and Configuration:

  • The MSP will configure and implement security measures based on the agreed-upon plan. This might involve installing security software, hardening system configurations, and establishing user access controls.

6. System Migration and Data Backup (if applicable):

  • Depending on your chosen plan and existing setup, some services might involve migrating specific systems or data to the MSP’s infrastructure. This process will be carefully planned and executed to minimise disruption.

7. Training and Knowledge Transfer:

  • The MSP may provide training sessions for your employees to familiarise them with the new support channels, security protocols, and any self-service options available.
  • Knowledge transfer ensures a smooth transition and empowers your internal team to collaborate effectively with the MSP.

8. Go-Live and Ongoing Support:

  • Once everything is configured and tested, your managed service plan officially goes live.
  • You’ll have access to the MSP’s help desk for ongoing support, and proactive monitoring will begin to identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Communication is Key:

Throughout the onboarding process, clear and consistent communication between you and the MSP is essential. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and provide any necessary information to ensure a successful transition to your new managed services plan.

Yes, there are some things beyond the monthly or annual fee of your managed service plan that you should consider when budgeting for your IT needs. Here’s a breakdown of common potential additional expenses:

  • Billable Support for Adds/Moves/Changes (AMC): Managed services focus on keeping your existing IT infrastructure running smoothly. Adding new equipment (like printers), relocating desks (moving hardware), or making significant configuration adjustments fall under Adds/Moves/Changes (AMC). These one-time projects require extra work outside your regular plan and are usually billed separately.

  • Emergency After-Hours Support: Managed service plans typically have defined support hours during business days. If you experience a critical issue after-hours and require immediate assistance, a premium might be applied for emergency support.

  • Specialisd Services: Certain specialised IT services, like recovering data from a major hardware failure or conducting in-depth security audits, might not be included in your base plan. These can be billed hourly or as separate projects.

  • Hardware and Software Costs: While the managed service provider maintains your existing hardware and software, replacing outdated equipment or purchasing new licenses for additional software programs may not be covered in your plan.

Here are some tips to manage these potential additional costs:

  • Review your Service Level Agreement (SLA): This document clearly outlines what’s included in your plan and what might be considered billable support.
  • Open communication with the MSP: Discuss any anticipated AMC projects or potential after-hours support scenarios upfront. The MSP can advise on potential associated costs and help you plan accordingly.
  • Consider a hybrid approach: For some AMC projects, you might be able to leverage the MSP’s expertise for configuration or setup, while handling the physical moves or installations yourself to minimize costs.
  • Transparency is key: A good managed service provider will be transparent about potential charges and work with you to find cost-effective solutions. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about potential additional costs.

By understanding these potential extras and planning ahead, you can ensure your IT budget stays on track while maximising the value of your managed services plan.

Yes, you can cancel your managed service if a written request submitted before the end of a calendar month.

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