The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Website Optimisation

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In the past few years, we have seen a rapid growth of mobile usage across different segments of numerous industries. Smartphones are dominating the cellular markets and every single person now is seen using different smartphones to explore the world online. This is one of the main reasons why it has become vital for businesses to invest in the best quality solutions to optimise their website for smartphones and tablets. In this article, you will learn all about mobile website optimisation, its importance, and benefits:

What is Mobile Website Optimisation?

The times have changed as compared to when people could only depend on their laptops for optimal mobile connectivity. But, since many websites still aren’t designed to account for different load times and screen sizes, it is important that businesses invest in mobile website optimisation. This process converts your website’s page speed, site structure and design to suit smaller screens and operate efficiently to make sure you’re not inadvertently chasing away mobile users.

Importance of Mobile Website Optimisation

According to recent reports, there are about 182.6 million individuals at present who are using smartphones in the US alone. This growth is expected to reach 220 million by 2018. Therefore, the rise of mobile technology has made it imperative for businesses to have an optimised presence on mobile devices as well. Besides, if a company’s website is not exactly mobile user-friendly, Google will automatically reduce its page rankings because of the higher bounce rates.

Do you want to shift your website to mobile as well? If so, then here are some useful tips to keep in mind when designing a mobile optimised website:

  • Keep the design as simple as possible. This way, you will be able to bring out a more professional look, which is imperative for increasing your SEO rankings.
  • When creating a mobile website, don’t forget to add a location and time information. This will make it easier for people to track your business.
  • Don’t overload your mobile site with lots of information. Instead focus on adding less information in clearer format to promote lesser loading times.
  • Make sure to implement QR codes into your mobile website, as it is the latest trend in mobile website optimisation that is known to boost web traffic.

Why You Should Optimise Your Website for Mobile

  • Mobile Users are Different – Mobile users have different objectives than desktop users. Therefore, if they click a full-sized website that is intended for viewing on a PC, they are most likely to turn away. Nevertheless, by creating a dedicated mobile website that is much easier to view and read on smartphones and tablets, you will be able to attract mobile users as well.
  • Greater Online Exposure – One-quarter of the global searches conducted online are performed through mobiles. Therefore, by creating a mobile optimised you will be able to gain higher search engine rankings mainly in Google, Yahoo, and, thus resulting in greater web traffic allowing you to achieve higher conversions.
  • More Visibility due to Social Shares – We now live in a world where social media is everything. Therefore, by creating a mobile website you will allow users to share information easily, thus leading to great visibility online.

So, if you want your website gain more users that will ultimately purchase a product or service your business offers, then perhaps it’s time you invest in mobile website optimisation as well.

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