How to Choose the Right Server Support Company

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For most small businesses with a small staff, a powerful and expensive server is not necessarily needed. However, it’s when businesses start recruiting more staff that they may find the need to have more machines connected for dating sharing. Since a simple LAN network cannot share resources and programs as efficiently as services, businesses are required to purchase a proper sever with the correct configuration. While this task and related server maintenance or upgrades can be done by a simple IT administrator, it proves to be a better option to hire the right server support company. But, how can you choose the right company? Well, take a look at these tips below to find out:

Take a Look at Experience

When it comes to finding the right server support company, it is vital that you invest some time in researching online. Take a look at the best companies in your area and create a list. Once done, consider looking at their overall experience in the field of server support (There’s nothing like the satisfaction of knowing your server support company is experienced at what they do). So, check out how many years they have been in business, how many clients do they currently have, and who are the key individuals within their business to get an idea of their overall experience.

Read Customer Testimonials

One of the best ways to assess whether or not a particular server support company is the perfect match for your business is to read their customer testimonials online. This is because you cannot measure the performance of a prospective server support company better than the customer itself. However, don’t just take the word of their website testimonials. Pick up the phone, call the customers, and ask about their experience. Good companies will provide numbers of their clients, if not you can also check their profile out on LinkedIn.

Server Support Options and Costs

Don’t forget asking a lot of questions to assess the company’s knowledge in server support. In general, the good companies will welcome questions and the poor ones will simply run a smile. Regardless, consider asking about their server support options and costs. You should know what you’re paying for. Typically, most good server support companies will offer a number of plans to suit your budget and requirements. For instance, some might offer 24 hour support or contracts based on the number of users.

Availability of the Server Support Provider

Last, but not the least, it is important that you ask the server support company how often will they be available and how quickly will they respond to your issues, problems, or emergencies. If the company is a one-man-band handling lots of clients, you might not get the level of service you require. If you are a company that functions out of “normal” working hours, also consider asking whether or not they would provide assistance should any instance occur.

So, now that you are familiar with the above mentioned tips, choosing the right server support company.

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