Backups for Small Business

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Businesses generate sizeable volumes of data daily, including client account details, internal sales, stock and financial records, communications and website backups. Preventing loss of this data is viewed as a priority by businesses around the globe, regardless of their sizes.

Without regular and automated server backup strategies in place, small businesses in particular can disadvantaged greatly when computer systems fail – by incurring costs for attempting to restoring data, potentially losing the trust of clients, and facing the difficult task of rebuilding what is unable to be restored.

Common causes of data loss

Negligence: Small business owners and employees can unknowingly introduce data threats such, as viruses and malware, by

  • opening email attachments and clicking on links appearing in spam mail
  • leaving their computers or systems unattended
  • using weak passwords, and
  • visiting restricted sites.

Inadequate data protection: Anti-virus, firewall, and encryption services can come at a high price and small business owners sometimes forego investing in quality data protection. Where data protection is obtained, opting for a ‘bare minimum’ version of data protection systems, exposes data to risks of loss and corruption.

No server backup schedule: Backup of data must be conducted regularly in order to prevent complete loss of data. Maintaining a duplicate of the contents of a business server ensures the continuous availability of crucial data for business.

Absence of disaster recovery strategies: Hardware faults can lead to corrupted files and data loss. Over the years, our team here at NetComp have often demonstrated how early detection and prompt recovery or restoration of data can minimise operational downtime.

For businesses that provide a minimum service level agreement to clients, the ability to recover corrupted files without suspending access to healthy portions of data can shield the company against legal actions for breach of service agreements and other client contracts.

Preventing data loss through server backup

Hiring large IT teams is not necessary for small business server backup and data protection. Server solutions that we recommend, such as Windows Server 2012 already include server and PC backup, database and line-of-business support – at affordable prices.

This system provides protection for the entire small business network, monitoring networked computers for possible malicious attacks, virus entry, and overall network security health. The backup of data stored in each computer in the network and in the small business server is conducted daily and automatically.

This server is highly advanced, yet so easy to use and manage that small businesses are able to maintain own servers.

NetComp is well-known in Brisbane for assisting small businesses to invest in the right data protection systems and server backup services for their individual needs. We understand how important it is to preserve valuable data that analytic tools can turn into meaningful information for business owners.

Storing data for various reasons such as:

– legal compliance of record keeping obligations, and

– those under subsisting agreements with clients and partners

require complete data protection features. These include early fault detection, automatic file repair and recovery assistance in case data has already been lost or corrupted due to faulty storage.

Choosing the right system is essential and NetCorp’s expert server backup service will determine the system that is best suited to your situation and business requirements.

Contact the NetComp team now for a no-obligation assessment of your needs on 1300 363 127

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