Protect your business from cyber attacks

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While internet has brought a lot of benefits to your company, it also provides a way for cyber-criminals to attack your company. Some people might be thinking, we don’t have any valuable data that worth attacking. That’s wrong, because all data is valuable and important. This article will help you to understand some of the threats and how proper security plan can mitigate the risk of cyber-attack.

Software updates

Using not up-to-date software will lead to security issues. Hackers, along with malicious program find weakness in software that they exploit to access your computer. Installing updates fixes the vulnerability and keep your data secure. It is important to install updates as soon as possible because it can limit the amount of time hackers have to find and use these weaknesses.


Using simple password maybe attempting for someone who is lazy to think of a complex password. A lot of people use 123456 as their password. While some people use same password for every account. The threat is that once hackers know your password, they can use it for all your other accounts. A good password should contain a minimum of 8 characters with upper and lower letters, numbers and symbols.

Mobile security

Most of the companies are weak at this mobile security. Nowadays, company are flexible with employees bringing their own devices like phones and tablets to workplace. It can be a threat to data breach if the company does not have a device policy on BYOD (bring your own device). If employees lose their devices or connect to a public network, company’s data will be breached. All the data should be encrypted in order to mitigate the risk. And all the employees must follow the BYOD policy. Finally, you should install remote wiping software. So even if employees’ devices are lost, you can remotely wipe the data.

Use the cloud

Store your data in the cloud can mitigate the risk of cyber-attack. Even if hackers delete all your data, you can immediately recover your lost data. Your managed IT service can help you to back up your data to the cloud.


Staff training on data protection is just as important as antivirus software. Make sure the practices and policy your company implemented are properly communicated to your staff will help avoid accidental loss of data. Prevention is better than mitigation.

However, the best option to protect your data from cyber-attack is to hire a professional IT security firm. They will provide practical steps to ensure that your company is protected from cyber-attack. And keep in mind you are also protected from other scenario such as flood and fire. All your important data will be securely backed up.

If you are considering hire a professional IT security team to help your company, get in touch with Netcomp Solutions as soon as possible.

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