6 tips about cyber security

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Ransomware like Cryptolocker and Wannacry can be a disaster to any business. We have seen many large company like Apple, Yahoo and Kmart suffer from cyber-attacks. Important data like customers details will then be breached from those attacks. And you will never want that to happen in your business.

Many business blame hackers who targeting at their systems, but the real threat is actually from internal. If business does not have a solid security policy or employees are not strictly following the policy, business will be vulnerable to these attacks. This article will give you 6 tips on how to educate your employees about cyber security.

Create a security policies

IT security policy can prevent and mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks. For example, a good BYOD policy can prevent your data being breached when your employees lose their devices. You also need other policies on things like password requirements, email standards and handling of sensitive data.

Test and teach employee’s security knowledge

Test employee’s security knowledge can help you to identify weak areas. Is there a particular type of attack your employees having trouble spotting as an attack? For example, if they can’t tell an email with a malicious link from a legitimate email, your company will suffer from phishing attack. At the same time, you need to teach them how to be aware and identify of these attacks.

Back up your data and software

You must have backups on both data and software so that when a disaster happens, you can immediately recover your data and mitigate the impact. Back up your data on external hard drive is not enough, you need to find an external IT professional team to help you with backup and recovery system.

Keep your software up to date

If your computer system and software not up to date with the latest patch, you are opening the door for hackers to enter your system.

Keep your staff with latest cyber threat news

Ransomware and phishing techniques are constantly evolving and shifting. Keeping up to date with the latest security threats and vulnerabilities will help your mount more effective defences.

Find a trusted IT professional team

If you are not sure how to protect your company from cyber-attacks, come and get in touch with Netcomp Solutions.

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