Back(links) to Business

Link Building

Boost your website’s authority and traffic with our expert Link Building services.

Attract More Customers & Dominate Search Results

The Secret Weapon for Website Success

What is Link Building?

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites that point back to your own.

Think of these links as recommendations from trusted sources.

When a reputable website links to your content, it signals to search engines like Google that your website is valuable and informative.

Why is Link building important?

Strong link building is like having a positive reputation online.

It boosts your website’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines, leading to higher rankings in search results.

This translates to more organic traffic – potential customers who find your website naturally through search queries.

Additionally, links from relevant websites can drive targeted visitors genuinely interested in your products or services.

Secrets to Powerful Backlinks

What makes a good backlink?

  • Authority: A link from a trusted website holds more weight, boosting your ranking.
  • Relevance: Get linked by websites in your niche – think industry recommendations!
  • Placement: Links within the main content are more valuable than those hidden in footers.
  • Anchor Text: Use descriptive clickable text to tell search engines what your page is about.
  • Follow vs. Nofollow: Focus on “follow” links for ranking power, but don’t ignore “nofollow” for traffic.

Learn more about Advantages

How can link building Benefit Your Business?

  • Higher Search Rankings: Strong backlinks push your website to the top of search results, where potential customers can easily find you.
  • Targeted Visitors: Links from relevant sites attract website visitors genuinely interested in what you offer, boosting conversions.
  • Credibility & Trust: Backlinks from trusted sources act like online endorsements, making your business stand out.
  • Brand Awareness Boost: Links spread your brand name across the web, increasing recognition in your industry.

Best Backlink Building Strategies

Become a Source for Journalists & Bloggers

  • Services like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) connect journalists with expert sources. Sign up and contribute valuable insights to relevant queries. This can lead to high-quality backlinks from major media outlets.
  • Regularly monitor these services for opportunities to showcase your expertise and gain exposure.

Find & Fix Broken Links

  • Broken links on other websites frustrate visitors. Identify broken links in your niche using tools like Semrush.
  • If you have content that can replace these broken links, reach out to website owners and suggest your resource as a valuable alternative. This is a win-win situation for both parties.

Create Linkable Assets

  • People naturally link to informative and engaging content. Consider creating infographics, original research, or in-depth guides on topics relevant to your audience.
  • Analyse your competitors’ backlinks to see what content attracts links in your niche. Use those insights to inform your content strategy and create link-worthy resources.


Absolutely! In fact, many SEO experts still consider link building the main pillar of a strong SEO strategy.

Think of backlinks as recommendations for your website.

Search engines like Google consider these recommendations when ranking websites in search results.

The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher your website is likely to rank, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Link building is one of the most important factors influencing your website’s SEO performance.

Backlinks act as a vote of confidence from other websites, telling search engines your content is valuable and trustworthy.

Strong backlinks can significantly boost your website’s ranking, leading to increased organic traffic and brand awareness.

Building backlinks takes time and effort, but here’s a simplified roadmap to get you started:

  • Craft High-Quality Content: Create valuable, informative content that people naturally want to share and link to. This could be blogging posts, infographics, research reports, or any content that solves your audience’s problems.
  • Identify Link Building Opportunities: Research websites in your niche that link to your competitors. These are potential link targets for you as well.
  • Reach Out & Build Relationships: Don’t just ask for links! Build genuine relationships with website owners and offer valuable collaborations, like guest blogging or content promotion.
  • Monitor Your Backlinks: Track your backlinks using SEO tools to see what’s working and identify broken links that need fixing.

Black hat link building refers to unethical practices aimed at manipulating search engine rankings.

These practices often involve buying links from low-quality websites, participating in link schemes, or using automated software to generate spammy links.

Black hat link building can severely damage your website’s reputation and even get you penalised by search engines.

Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks to your website.

Backlinks are the actual links from other websites that point back to your site. 

Think of link building as the work you put in to get recommendations (backlinks) for your website.

A good link building strategy focuses on acquiring high-quality backlinks from relevant websites in your niche.

Here are some key aspects:

  • Create valuable content: Content is king! Focus on creating informative and engaging content that people want to share and link to naturally.
  • Guest blogging: Write guest posts for other websites in your niche. This exposes your content to a new audience and potentially earns you a backlink.
  • Broken link building: Identify broken links on relevant websites and offer your content as a valuable replacement.
  • Relationship building: Build connections with website owners and influencers in your niche. Genuine relationships can lead to natural link-building opportunities.

The cost of link building in Australia can vary significantly depending on the quality of backlinks and the strategies used. Here’s a rough guide:

  • Low-cost (AU$100 – $500 per link): This range might involve guest blogging on low-authority websites or directory submissions. While these can be part of a broader strategy, be cautious as the SEO value is often minimal.
  • Mid-range (AU$500 – $2,000 per link): This range could include guest blogging on websites with moderate authority in your niche, or link placements within relevant content. This offers a better balance between affordability and SEO benefit.
  • High-cost (AU$2,000+ per link): This bracket typically involves backlinks from high-authority websites in your industry. These links carry significant weight for SEO but naturally come at a premium.

Important Note: Remember, the price isn’t the only factor. Always prioritise quality over quantity. Focus on building relationships with website owners and acquiring backlinks from relevant, reputable sources that align with your niche.

Additional Options:

  • Monthly retainer packages: Some agencies offer monthly retainers (typically starting around AU$1,000 per month) that provide ongoing link building efforts and SEO management.
  • DIY approach: You can attempt link building yourself using free or paid SEO tools. However, this requires significant time investment and expertise.


It’s wise to:

  • Get quotes from reputable SEO agencies in Australia: They can assess your website and goals to recommend a cost-effective strategy.
  • Beware of suspiciously cheap services: These often rely on black hat tactics that could harm your website’s ranking in the long run.

There are several ways to measure the success of your link building efforts:

  • Traffic: Track how much website traffic comes from backlinks using analytics tools.
  • Keyword rankings: Monitor your website’s ranking for relevant keywords in search results.
  • Backlink quality: Use SEO tools to assess the quality and authority of your backlinks.
  • Brand mentions: Track online mentions of your brand, which can be a sign of successful link building efforts.

Link metrics are data points that help you understand the quality and value of backlinks. Some important link metrics include:

  • Domain Authority: This score indicates the overall strength and reputation of a website linking to you.
  • Anchor Text: The clickable text of the link. Relevant and descriptive anchor text is better.
  • Backlink Location: Links within the main content carry more weight than those in footers or sidebars.
  • Follow vs. Nofollow: “Follow” links pass on ranking power, while “nofollow” links generally don’t. However, nofollow links can still drive valuable referral traffic.

By understanding these metrics, you can focus on building high-quality backlinks that deliver the best results for your website.

Let Our Experts Build Your Backlink Strategy.

Unleash the Potential of Your Website